Support for troubled teens

Parents must give a great amount of support to their teenagers. When children reach adolecence it is difficult for parents to meet the new demands made on them. A teen’s main concerns are maintaining their self-esteem, being accepted by their peers, and meeting the expectations of others. At this stage they are experiencing a myriad of different things for the first time like owning a car, working, or dating. They have standards to keep in order to avoid looking inferior. Anytime they run into problems they’re likely to become angry or frustraited.

Teens need positive support from their parents. They should not be ignored or taken for granted. Try to pay attention to your teenager’s behavior. If you notice any changes that express trouble or unhappiness, take some time out to talk to them. Be patient and understanding and help them understand the changes in their lives better. Next, try to observe how they’re doing in school. Offer them help if they’re having trouble with their homework or find a tutor. Talk with their teachers to get feedback. Third, let them know they’re appreciated and give them affection. Thank them for a job well done, but never condemn them if they try but fail. Simply make suggestions on how they can do better next time.

Remember, teens have an enormous craving for entertainment. Their main priorities are being happy and achieving self-fulfillment. They’re energetic and like to keep occupied doing something at all times. Unfortunately, most think tragic things won’t ever happen to them or act like they’re indestructible. Most youth may be unaware of the health hazards or other dangers associated with recklessness or inexperience. Therefore, you must spend some time with your teen. Take them on hikes, trips, or other family outings. Let them assist you in activities or teach them skills you've mastered. Bring them to your work so they can see what you do. Have educational discussions with them. Talk about their friends, hobbies, and money issues. If you never spend time with them, they may feel neglected. Teens who feel alienated by their parents tend to stray away from home to find acceptance and meaning in life. They may be tempted to hang out with the wrong crowd and experiment with destructive practices. Let them know that you care about their safety and you’re not trying to spoil their fun.

If you feel you’ve done everything you can to help your teenager and nothing works, you may consider outside help. Find out what programs or extra-curricular activities their high school offers and encourage them to join one. Look for types of programs available in your community for teens. If your teenager has behavior or emotional problems have them speak to a psychologist. Share with them similar experiences you’ve had growing up. Persuade them to open up and tell them never to be ashamed of any problems they have. Effective parenting support towards teens goes a long way.